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How To Install Bluestacks on Windows 8.1,8 with Offline Installer and Graphic Card Error Fix

Bluestacks is an famous and free Android emulator that can be installed on Windows 8.1, 8 and Windows 7 computers to install and use Android Apps such as games, messaging apps etc. According to Microsoft, Bluestacks 0.7 and later versions are fully compatible with Windows 8.1. Below you will find useful information regarding how to install Bluestacks on Windows 8.1. Also, this post shows where to get offline Bluestacks installer file which can be used on a Windows computer which doesn’t have internet connectivity. The solution to fix Graphic card error
Bluestacks Android emulator requires a decent video display card on the host computer and it uses the PC’s Graphics library (GL) drivers and VGA display hardware. Therefore you might face some issues if your computer display card or display drivers are not compatible (or out of date) with latest Bluestacks on Windows 8.1. You can find more information about Bluestacks’s support page here.
We have earlier published several guides using Bluestacks on Windows 8.1 such as Candy Crush Saga andWhatsApp on PC. It’s not recommended to download any older versions of Bluestacks for Windows 8.1 or 8, it may give some trouble later while playing latest Android games.
Make sure your computer meets following hardware requirements for Bluestacks,
a) Minimum 2 GB RAM on the host computer
b) A decent display (VGA) card, onboard display cards may give some troubles
c) The latest updated display (VGA card) driver

Online- How to Install Bluestacks on Windows 8.1 or Windows 8

1) Download the latest package from official site here.
Download for Windows
2)  You must be connected to internet to continue the process . After executing the file, it will download several packages and libraries from internet.
inital screen for bluestacks on Windows 8.1
Select the appropriate options, select all of them in this case.
Options during installation
Sit back and relax, it will be downloading required files from internet and do the installation.
running installation for Windows 8.1

Bluestacks Graphic Card 25000 Error Fix

During the online installation you may get an error of 25000 which is related to display card.  As we said earlier, the PC’s display card plays major role in Bluestacks technology, the error indicates some issues on the display card or driver. The first thing you need to check is the ‘updated driver of your display card’. Do a Windows update (mostly it will detect if there is a driver update available for particular display (VGA) card, or visit the vendor’s website and update the drivers. Restart will be required after updating display drivers, continue Bluestacks installation after it.
You can find other solutions from this link to fix graphic card error 25000 in Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.
3) Once the installation is completed, you need to configure the app store and sync devices options.  You can use existing or create a new Gmail account for this purpose.
completed settings
4) There you go, now you can access your favorite apps from Google play through Bluestacks in Windows 8.1 or 8.
Android apps in Windows 8.1 by Bluestacks
Mac users can check our guide shows how to install Bluestacks on Mac OS X, which needs few specific settings and methods.

Bluestacks Offline Installer for Windows 8,8.1- Installation Steps

The first method required internet connectivity and this method can be done offline. Below method shows how to install Bluestacks offline installer for Windows 8 or 8.1 without internet connection. I’m demonstrating these steps on Windows 8.1 computer, therefore it should work fine on Windows 8, Windows 7 and Vista too. Installation is straightforward like other normal Windows programs.
5) Download the official offline installer package from this site, it’s an EXE file.
6) Execute and install it.
first page to install bluestack offline installer
You can continue the installation with both below options selected.
During the installation you may get an error related to display card driver ( like 25000 error). You must update VGA/display drivers file from products vendor site or Windows update to solve this issue.
7) Once the installation is completed, you will land on the home screen of Bluestacks app player which was installed in offline mode.
bluestacks offline installer for windows 8.1
As usual Google account needs to be setup before accessing Google Play and download apps.
This will be a great way of using Google Play apps, games including kik for PC on Windows 8 or 8.1 desktop and laptop.


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